Meu olho começou a doer do nada, depois de um passar mascara na cara, hidratante e tal, e a argila eu botei beeeeeemmm perto de um dos olhos, e ele ta doendo agr, só ele, oq fazer?
tudo que eu falo pra minha mãe, a menor coisa possivel, pode ser assim, cortei meu braço na quina da mesa, ela acha o maior absurdo, e surta, minha maẽ é bem hipocondríaca, ent dificulta a minha sitação
1st up: I'm not a medical professional. I am some rando on the internet. You should be looking up more certified information on that. Ideally talk to a doctor or call a hotline for 'emergencies that are not life threatening' if your country has something like that.
Start by washing your face like you normally would. Be very careful around your eyes.
Try washing out the affected eyes with lots and lots of clean water.
"Ideally" you should cook tap water and let it cool down. But that will take _forever_. Do _NOT_ pour hot water into your eye or face! Test the water's temperature by pouring a little over your wrist or other sensitive patch of skin.
If you have bottled water without additives that might do.
Tap water might or might not be okay to use. If you could drink your region's tap water without adverse effects you might be fine. Or not. As I said in the beginning: I'm not a medical professional.
thank you for the advice! i will do it